Thursday, February 17, 2011

Movie of my Life.

The Main Character. (That’d be you.) Alexa Vega
Your Love Interest. Ralph Fiennes
Your Arch-Nemesis. Angelina Jolie
Your Parents. Sean Connery and Betty White
Your Siblings. Halle Berry and Ellen Page
Your Best Friend. Jennifer Garner
The Location. Indianapolis, Indiana
Song: Opening Credits. Winterborn - The Crüxshadows
Song: Closing Credits.  Life on Mars? - David Bowie
Song: Love Scene. Because You’re My Woman — Lee Seung Gi 
Song: Break-up Scene. I Can Change - LCD Soundsystem
Song: Action/Adventure Scene. Derezzed - Daft Punk

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm tired of hating my body. So the first of the month, I'm going to watch what what I eat and not snack at night. I'm also going to cut back on the soda, as that is what contributing to my weight gain. Right now, I'm really overweight for a 17 year old who stands at 5'1" and I plan on changing that because I'd like to wear the clothes I think are pretty, not whatever can fit me. I'm also going exercise. The whole self-loathing thing is going to stop, as well. I'm supposed to love myself and my body, not despise it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm trading the smog for some fresh salt sea air.

I didn't do much yesterday, but today I'm going to clean my room,
exercise and then shower. LIKE A BOSS. :DDD

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A letter to Till Lindemann for his birthday.

Dear Till,
       This is hard for me to write, so forgive me as I don’t have a way with words. I know you will never see this, but this is coming from the heart. Today you’re one year older and wiser, and I hope you have a good time on your special day. Everything is about you today and I wish that you’ll remember this as a good day.
I’m glad you started in music all those years ago, because without you and your bands, I wouldn’t be the person who I am today. Yeah, that seems a bit cheesy and weird, but it’s true. Your words and voice have changed me. You calm me down when I am mad and make me happy when I am sad. 
I hope you have many happy years to come and I wish you luck in your life.
Your fan,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions

  • Lose weight
  • Learn Dutch
  • Get good grades
  • Quit saying Epic and Fail
  • Get my driving license